Friday, October 8, 2010

Construction-Integration Model of Text Comprehension

What is proposition?

Propositions are idea units that combine more than one word in a schematic form.  Propositions allow the theorist to represent the meaning of sentences, independent of their syntactic structure. Just like letters combine to form words, words combine to form sentences.

How many types of text representation are there?

Surface level memory is the memory for the actual words and phrases of the text.  Surface memory is often short-lived. The propositional level of representation deals with the ideas in the text.  The microstructure of a text is the network of propositions that represents the meaning of the text.  One can think of it as a translation from the actual words used into an idea-level format. Microstructure and macrostructure together form the textbase. This is where sentences combine to create a larger picture – a paragraph or more complex idea or story. The situation model represents the information provided by the text, independent of the particular manner in which it was expressed in the text, and integrated with background information from the reader’s prior knowledge.

What do the terms construction and integration refer to?

The Construction-Integration model generates several meanings in parallel and later, sorts out which construction is the right one.  Construction refers to the process of sorting out meanings that do not fit within the context and strengthens other meanings that do fit.  In the integration process, the correct proposition will win out because it is connected to prior knowledge.  The CI model uses a bottom-up construction phase where contradictory assumptions are explored and then ruled out during the integration phase.

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