Saturday, October 30, 2010

Aquisition of Reading Fluency

How does Schreiber think Repeated Readings helps students compensate for the lack of prosodic features in print? Do you agree with his reasoning? Why or Why not?

Repeated Readings allow students to practice orally until mastery.  While reading, students hear the prosodic features as they read.  Students begin to recognize the type of syntactic phrasing that is necessary for comprehension.  Repeated readings provide students with the chance to progress in reading expression.  As students start to make better use of these cues in reading they can begin to use this while reading silently.  I agree with his reasoning because with repeated reading, students will become more familiar with prosodic cues and the reader will become a more fluent reader and this will lead to better comprehension of text.

1 comment:

  1. Great discussion of repeated readings. However, you make no reference to the intonation study that Ehri did. You were supposed to discuss her findings in your post. Her study yielded mixed findings as to the utility of providing prosodic cues to readers.

    ~Dr. Ari
