Saturday, August 28, 2010

Perfetti & Hogaboam Research Summary

Perfetti, C. and Hogaboam, T. (1975). Relationship between single word decoding and reading comprehension skill. Journal of Educational Psychology, 67, 4, 461-469.

Research Question: How do higher skilled and lower skilled readers compare on the decoding of words that they know the meanings of and how do they compare on the decoding of words that they do not know the meanings of?

Methods: There were four independent variables(IV) in this study: student grade level, skilled and unskilled readers, word type – high frequency, low frequency, and pseudowords (non-words). The dependent variable (DV) in the study was the vocalization of words and non-words. Words were shown in random order by a projector onto a screen. When the word was flashed onto the screen a timer would start when the student began to vocalize their response and then the word would disappear. The timer would stop when the student stopped speaking. Students were encouraged to respond quickly. After the student read the words, a multiple-choice test was administered to test knowledge of the words in a set. This multiple-choice test gave researchers information about a student’s word knowledge.

Findings: The experiment showed researchers that higher skilled readers were able to read all types of words and non-words quicker than lower skilled readers. High frequency words were recognized in the least amount of time, followed next by lower frequency words, and finally by pseudowords (non-words), which had the longest response time by either set of students.

Friday, August 27, 2010

About Me

My name is Sarah Hutson. I am married and have two children, a boy and a girl. My son's name is Lane and he is in third grade this year. My daughter's name is Charley Grace and she just began Kindergarten. My husband works full time as a shipping clerk at AES in Mount Airy and is the coach of the company's softball team. Lane is a cub scout and plays basketball, baseball, and football. He is also getting ready to begin banjo lessons this fall. Charley Grace has been dancing for 3 years. She has taken ballet, jazz, lyrical, and clogging. She also cheers for Dobson Eagle Football team. They all keep me pretty busy.
I hold an NC teaching license and graduated from ASU in 2009. I have not been able to land a teaching job as of yet, so currently I am working towards my Masters in Reading and volunteering in the Title One program at my children's elementary school.
In my spare time, I love to read, take pictures, and spend time with my family and pets. I have three dogs, 2 chihuahuas and a Jack Russell Terrier. I also have a calico cat named LuLu.


Hey...I am disappointed that this is now a weekend class....however, I will deal with it =)

Sarah Hutson